Rick’s Brewery Home

Brewery Background

Rick’s Brewery is likely the last remaining residence brewery in the state of Iowa. A residence brewery is a small brewery where the brew-master and family have living quarters in the brewery. Built by German immigrants in the 1850’s and styled after Brewery’s of that era from back home in Germany. This property was placed on the National Register of Historical Places in 1999. The current owners are doing the best they can to preserve and restore as much of the original brewery as is possible and protect the property from future flooding events.

Brewery Site Contents

We are hoping to cover a number of different topics that all relate to this historical property on site. We have brewery history, Iowa 1850-1890 prohibitions, historical renovation, masonry instruction, property flood events, and other nature site related topics. At this time, our history pages are completed. Check our menu for new topics as they are added. Enjoy your visit.